"My Spirit Reconnects You To Your Spirit"

Learn How To Take Control Of Your Life

...And It's As Simple As Breathing...

Learn More By Watching the Video Below

Nyawëh sgënö’  (I am thankful you are well)

My name is Loretta Cheney. Logistically, I am a K-12 Certified Art Teacher, Potter, Member of the Seneca Nation of Indians, and a Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher. Spiritually, I fancy myself an Indian Cowgirl, who believes in dreams, signs, miracles, and magic. My positive outlook on life, and everlasting hope for humanity, bubbles up from the very wellspring of a life gifted by the Creator. I express gratitude for the very air I breathe, and have created a personal breath awareness practice to connect to its mystical, sensual and spiritual properties, which I carry out with ceremonial reverence.  

Sharing personal stories of triumph, struggle and resilience, my mission is to reconnect you to your spirit by harnessing the power of your very own breath. My “Slow The Truck Down” movement is a light-hearted, humorous approach to meditation and mindfulness that invites you to periodically break away from the chaotic energy of this world that seems, at times, to encourage rushing, pushing, competing and comparing. My desire is to help you recognize your own unique gifts and purpose and to see the undercurrent of connection flowing between all living things. 

With a wink, I encourage you to STFD!

Ësgögë’ ae’ (I’ll see you again!)

Slow The Truck Down

Easiest Tip Ever!

It may sound counterintuitive, but if you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it's time to Slow The Truck Down & Breathe!

There's magic in that breath and I can show you how to access it.

You Already Have Your Answers

My job is to help you unearth them!

Through guidance and the power of your very own breath, you will discover just how powerful you are!

Enjoy Optimal Health

in Body, Mind & Spirit

You will experience a greater sense of wellbeing from our very first session together.

I can't wait for you to feel it!

Prepare to Become Unshakeable by the Magic & Power of Your Own Breath!

But Wait! There's More!

You Will Also Learn...

... How to trigger your body's "rest & digest" response so you can counteract the harmful effects from daily stress accumulation

... The importance of breathing through your nose for increasing your body's natural immune system

... How to regulate your breathing in order to regulate your stress-inducing emotions

... How to harness your thoughts and stop feeding your stress-monsters

... How to "Slow The Truck Down" and actually GAIN more time in your day

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Slow The Truck Down

2223 Donelson Road

Jamestown, NY 14701

(716) 969-3617